Going into highschool having an extra circular is common, and the most popular one is sports. Some people come into highschool after years of playing a sport and play for the school while others may be just starting a new sport or doing sports for the first time in general. For people looking for a new sport to play for their school it can be difficult to pick one out of the many options to play for the season or the next 4 years. It’s a huge commitment joining a school sports team, there’s fees,practices,seasons that overlap,games, and the stress of trying to be better or the best at what you do. So how would you know which sport you’re ready to commit too?
Most people when looking to join a highschool sports team decide to go for more of the popular things like cheer,football,basketball,and track because they are safer options rather than doing nicher things and having to compete to make the team with no experience. Having a smaller team with big competitors on your team can overwhelm many people just starting in a sport but it can surprise many by how you can get more individual practice and work done and 1 on 1 practice with smaller teams and niche sports that arn’t as popular. If you end up standing out on your team and your competitors it’s easier to get noticed and get scholarship opportunities through smaller sports, however with more broad/popular sports it takes a lot to be seen in a field of many just as good or better than you. They both have their pressures but some can manage more under one than another. But just because one sport may be more popular than another does not make it better.
People who commit to a sport are very prideful if they’re sport and will say theres is the best, but is there really an over all best sport? Well kids all over campus have different answers. For example my friend Christian Padron who plays basketball said “Basketball is the best sport to play because lot of people come to watch and it’s a fast paced game compared to others”. My other friend Maya Kirkpatrick who plays Lacrosse for the school and dance outside of school said “I think lacrosse and dance have the best community’s in highschool and aren’t overwhelming with school and pressures”. On the other hand one of my friends who does taekwondo outside of school thinks “Taekwondo is a great thing to do outside of school but I feel like most sports are sort of difficult to manage with school”.
Overall, there is no best sport. Some sports may better suit some more than others and can give some scholarships or a thing to do after school daily. Playing a sport in general is a healthy, fun, and social hobby and comparing each one is silly when everyone is a completely different person from one another.