‘Learning Gains’ are a concept introduced for this year’s exams, in which if a testing student goes up a level on exams, then, the student will gain an almost guaranteed passing grade on another test for that subject. Some subjects may not use this, but I only know of it being used for Geometry, APHUG, and English. While the learning gain is applied differently, it will guarantee a passing score on another test if you go up a level.
The learning gain is extremely helpful to many students, and can motivate them to study hard for the exams. However, this tool that was supposed to be helpful can also disadvantage other students. There are many students that often score high levels or 5’s on exams, so rewarding some students for going up a level, even if they don’t pass, but making another study and taking an exam even though they do well can make their work feel in vain.
It seems the learning gain was created to help those who don’t score well on tests. However, providing an A for just learning more can discourage a student from actually studying. Deciding that for these exams only will the learning gain be applied makes other exams feel more stressful.
Overall there are just more tests now than just 2 years ago, and instead of adding more and adding easier ways to pass, there generally shouldn’t be so many. Kids would likely do better if we didn’t have testing overload.
Anyway, it looks like our school system has gone from measuring competency to giving out runner-up trophies so that tired, unmotivated, fed-up kids feel better for their lack of performance and the people who run our schools can feel better that they aren’t failing kids by making their workload impossible.