We often find ourselves wanting to get everything done. We don’t allow ourselves to take a break because of the anxious feeling of turning an assignment in on time. I’m here to tell you why it’s important to give yourself a break.
Something as simple as closing your eyes for 5 minutes could improve your productivity, and increase focus. Prioritizing rest is essential especially for high school. Whenever I feel tired I make sure that I put everything down and take a nap.
When we work non-stop without taking breaks, it makes our minds decrease in focus and creativity. We can make ourselves overstimulated. That’s not healthy, it’s like trying to run a marathon without stopping for water. That’s not fun. Take a deep breath, take a nap, or go get some water. In my opinion I think we should have a free brain break class in high school. We have to recharge our minds so we can work better. To unlock your full productivity potential, work smarter, not harder. The idea of only having a break after you’ve completed all your tasks is too normalized. Rest is not a reward, it’s a necessity. Resting your mind can help to calm your nervous system, which lowers the risk of stress and anxiety. Schoolwork is important to turn in, and so is every other little task that you are trying to get done, but don’t burnt yourself out. Your brain will thank you.
Amayalis Bobe- “I agree that we should take breaks. Normally I take a nap before doing my work so I won’t be exhausted.”
Alex Blandon- “Yea I take a lot of breaks when I’m doing my homework. It helps me refocus and not tire myself out.”