Venezuela vs. USA elections!

Nowadays, many people from Venezuela are currently living in the United States because they’re looking for a better future; however, the USA is not as perfect as I imagined. In Venezuela, there were a lot of bad things going on with the government because it was all about cheating. When I first moved here, I thought I would never see cheating and corruption again, but now I know I was wrong. With the 2020 elections between Trump and Biden, I feel like Venezuela’s political situation is happening all over again.

Venezuela is suffering right now because of cheating. The president of Venezuela was not supposed to be elected, but he cheated to get his title. At first, no one noticed, and people didn’t really care if he was president or not because Venezuela was the same and nothing changed. But when everything started to change and people realized that it was all a lie, it was too late for us to do something.

The elections right now are reminiscent of Venezuela’s. No matter who wins, there will likely be a fight or a disagreement between people that brings a lot of bad things to the country. If Trump wins, a lot of people will be mad, like Mexicans because of the wall or black people because they think he’s racist… Lots of things could happen. However, If Biden wins, it would also bring some bad things because Trump supporters might think he cheated or that he wouldn’t make a good president.

So, I believe there are both pros and cons to this situation. The only thing people can do is vote and just wait to see the results, and hope that people react in a good way instead of making things worse or causing another all-out civil war.