What’s Up With The Wall Painting?

Lake Mary has been buzzing over the wall painting, and not in a good way.  The fumes can be a bit strong and some are concerned about their health with the constant inhaling of the toxic fumes. Other students are concerned about the aesthetic and displacement of things. But why did the school suddenly decide to make this change?

One of the major reasons for the change was a result of Seminole County’s project management, where they required a school to update its learning environment every five years, causing an increase in money spent. Since Lake Mary was due for an update, they sprang for a quick and easy fresh coat of paint. Another reason for the color change could’ve been to enhance the learning environment since the colors chosen were scientifically proven to work in schools. Scranton Products claimed that brown can “reduce feelings of fatigue and improve feelings of relaxation or make students feel more secure.” They also mention that off-white “improves attention and instills feelings of positivity.”

While the walls don’t have a huge impact on everyday life at school, it may take some getting used to. Students who have been attending Lake Mary for 4 years ] were so used to the environment that this came as a shock to some, but after a week or two of the new color (and hopefully the dissipation of the smell), students will return to normal and eventually even forget that the walls were altered in any way.