Is COVID-19 vaccine safe?

Are these vaccines safe for young people?  Have they been tested on people our age? Will they be used to control us and most importantly do they really work? There are a lot of questions concerning the release of all these vaccines.  The Rampage has your answers.

Both Pfzir’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine are not your everyday vaccines, the vaccines that we have been using for the last couple of years inject a weakened version of the virus in our body, then our immune system will learn how to fight it. Not the COVID-19 vaccine, the COVID-19 vaccine will teach our cells to make a protein that will trigger an immune response inside of our bodies, that same immune response will protect us from the real virus when it enters our body.  This is really advanced stuff, but not really tested.  The companies that make it say it’s safe and so do many governments, but it’s still very new.

To make the controversy worse, L.A students will not be able to return to school if they are not vaccinated once the COVID-19 vaccine is approved for underage students. Should Seminole County force us to get the vaccine before the next school year starts?  If SCPS decides to follow this example, then you will be forced to be vaccinated prior to coming back to school.

I think that the vaccine should be tested out more in all groups of ages, and the use for it should be prioritized for the people that really need it or are in a critical situation. If Seminole County were to force us to get the vaccine I would be up for it, I think that it would be a clever move and would protect the students from contracting the virus mentions Arenui Faana- Freshman at LMHS.