Dealing with Stress – What’s Your Coping Mechanism?

Dealing with stress- Whats your coping mechanism

Dealing with Stress - What's Your Coping Mechanism?

Everyone tends to handle stress differently than others: some tend to cry, some fight, and some people learn breathing techniques. When people let out their stress, they usually seem to cry. Stress come from many different things but teens say that their stress comes from their parents, and then the parents say that it is their kids fault. Everyone has stress and some people can hide it and some people can’t.

Stress come in every form and sometimes stress pushes people far enough for them to kill themselves. Over 350,000 people killed themselves in 2020 over stress. Studies showed that the percent rate of people killing themselves each year goes up by 65%. Stress can drive a person into a mental breakdown. These breakdowns can sometimes cause a person to go mentally insane and have to go to a insane asylum. There is many coping mechanisms, some good and some bad. An example of a bad one is people self harm and there is many different ways of self harm. There are good ones such as venting to someone or talking to a psychiatrist or even writing in a book is a form of venting. I interviewed a few Rams today and asked about how they cope with stress this is what they said.


Q. What are some ways that you handle your stress?

A. I write everything that is wrong down and when I look at the paper I realize that It is not as much.

Q. what causes your stress?

A. Life and the anxiety of the world.  Too much pressure with homework.

Q. How do you react when you are stressed?

A. I cry and then I think that some people have it worse.

Q. Who do you go to about your stress and you think you can trust them?

A. My parents. I can trust them with a lot of stuff



Q. What are some ways you handle stress

A. I do meditation and go for a run every morning

Q. What causes your stress?

A. Being a teacher of very needy student and when kids don’t listen.

Q. how do you react when you are stressed.

A. I react with sas and jokes

Q. Who do you go to about your stress and do you trust them?

A. I go to my bf and friends and I can trust him very much.

Q. What causes you the most stress at home?

A. The teacher salary doesn’t keep up with the cost of living so that’s stressful.

Q. What causes you the most stress at school?

A. The people who run the state’s educational programs can sometimes feel disconnected to the needs of my students.