My Friend is a Witch.

Are you upset that your crush doesn’t love you back? Well, I was, and my friend had the perfect solution. A love spell. A spell that will make the person of your choosing think about you non-stop.  

So, what did she tell me I have to do? 

She said to get a red candle and carve the person’s name on it and then set my intentions on what I want to happen and what it would feel like. Put love oil from a botanic to enhance it and then light the candle on Fridays or Sundays. 

There are many other love spells but a lot are closed practices. Make sure to do your research if you do want to try one. 

Always be careful when working with any type of spells. Especially love spells. If you don’t do it right things will end badly. The person may become obsessive and be your newly found stalker... For life. Basically, you put a curse on yourself… Nice one 

Would people actually put a love spell on someone? 

NO! That is creepy and I feel like it would definitely backfire if it worked,” says Callie a freshman at Lake Mary. 

“I feel like I would but also not. I would want the feelings to be genuine and not forced, I also feel like it would backfire,” Says another Freshman.  

Spells are very interesting to learn about so instead of doing them just read about them. There’s so many different things people do and it’s so interesting. 

Anyway, It’s pretty cool having a witch as a friend. Don’t do me wrong! I’ll get her to hex you…