The Best and Worst of High School English Books

As students, we’re forced to read all types of books. We read romance books, thriller books, war books, etc. You name it, we’ve read it. This leads to students forming many opinions on these books. There are some that have a positive impact on students lives and others that give students everlasting rage. Here are some of the best and worst books fellow rams have read in English.

The Best

  • Into the Wild:

Senior Zoey F. says, “This is the best book I’ve ever read in school. It inspired me a lot with the adventure and story. Unlike many of the books I’ve read in English, I’ve gone back and reread this one. That’s how much I appreciate it.”

  • The Great Gatsby:

Senior Jillian K. says, “I had a really good time while reading this book. It’s fun and unpredictable. I would always get in silly debates with my friends over whether we were them Daisy or team Myrtle. Watching the movie after reading the book made the experience even better.”

  • Pride and Prejudice:

Senior Bella M. says, “I may be biased because I had already read this book before but I love it. The drama and suspense is top tier. It can be a lot to keep up with since there are so many characters, but if you can keep up with everybody in the book you’ll love it.”

The Worst

  • Lord of the Flies:

Junior Ollie P. says, “I just hated this story. It had a confusing concept that made it a difficult read for me. I also couldn’t understand half of the decisions that were made, in my opinion they were pretty dumb.” Senior Ashley S. continued this by saying, “I liked this book until the ending, then I hated it. I’ve never read an ending that made me want to throw my book across the room as much as this one did.”

  • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:

Senior Isabella M. says, “This movie was uncomfortably racist. I can sympathize with racism in other books but this one just rubbed me the wrong way. It wasn’t used in a symbolic way, the book was just flat out racist.”

  • Sula:

Senior Shardae R. says, “The plot is just choppy and doesn’t feel like time has actually progressed. Not to add that the main character is a terrible person and expects the reader to sympathize with her. The whole time I was like when is she going to die.”