The Myers-Briggs Personality Test Is Unreliable.

The Myers-Briggs personality test has been around for quite a few years. It is now familiar to see certain letter combinations that people assign to themselves after taking this test. These letters mean each of the following:

-I or E for introverted or extroverted

-N or S for intuitive or sensing

-F or T for feeling or thinking

-P or J for perceiving or judging.

After taking the quiz, these letters form certain personality types, such as INTP or ESTJ. These two personality types being respectively being known as the ‘Logician’ and the ‘Executive.’ People are always amazed at the accuracy of these tests as they feel like the descriptions they get matches them without a flaw. However, many have deemed this test to be unreliable and flimsy.


The Myers-Briggs test is inconsistent. Numerous people have reported getting different results after re-taking it. According to research, 50% of people got a different score after re-taking the MBTI test five weeks after the first time. It is certainly not accurate if the results keep differing in such a short span of time. If one where to jump from being an INFP to an ISTP, it would be quite an alarming change as they are on a completely different spectrum.


Our perceptions of ourselves can affect personality tests to a great result. People can be extremely biased when answering specific questions. For example, while some people might see themselves as organized and consistent people, reality might counter this. Thus, these people get certain test results that might align with their perceptions of themselves instead of who they actually are as a person. They also might get results according to what they would prefer to do in the presented situations instead of what they actually and accurately would. People may act impulsively on emotions in certain situations, yet answer the questions according to how they themselves desire to respond. In the end, the Myers-Briggs test boils down to human bias.

Restrictive results

While the test results may seem incredibly validating when reading them, unknowingly it is boxing and limiting you. The world is not black and white which the Myers-Briggs test fails to consider as it categorizes people as ‘thinkers’ or ‘feelers’ even though many of them might fall close to the middle. People can be ‘thinkers’ and ‘feelers’ at the same time, not only just one. The Myers-Briggs test sorts people into neat little boxes, failing to consider the broad spectrum on which these people can fall on.


Despite not being the most consistent personality test you can find online, the Myers-Briggs test is still fun and interesting to take. It will always be a staple, popular personality test that people will continue on to use for many more years.