The Polar Bears are Dying!


Listen up folks we need to do something and we need to do it fast. For years now global warming has been a problem. It is affecting our beloved animals in the arctic. The fuzzy white fur bears that we know will soon become a fairytale that you tell your kids. There are only 22,000 to 31,000 polar bears left in the world. If global warming continues there will be none. Their ice is melting!! Their habitat that they know so well will soon fall out of existence.

The Trump administrations goal is oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge which is in Alaska. Not only will oil drilling affect wildlife it will affect plants and their development. Over 100,000 people have signed a petition on to stop this from happening. Thankfully as we know now his plan was an Epic fail. Even though his plan did not go through. Polar bears are still dying along with many other animals and global warming is still a huge problem.

As the Arctic warms the ice polar bears rely on melts away. In nearly a hundred years polar bears will become extinct. It may sound like a lot of time but it’s not. If we keep going at the rate we are soon enough there will be no polar bears left in the world and there will be more animals facing the problems global warming has brought to them.

Jaden a freshman at Lake Mary says, “Global warming is a very big problem and the fact that people think it’s fake is idiotic. We need to save this planet fast. If we don’t do anything soon our home will be too far gone and we won’t be able to do anything about it.”

Our world as we know it is falling apart. Thankfully people are coming together to help save the arctic and stop global warming.