The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

Worth All the Hype or Just Overrated?


You’re not that cute and you don’t really do much, if anything at all.  You might be a MID celebrity. We can all agree that there are some celebrities out there that you just don’t like. Maybe you don’t think they are as talented as they think they are, or maybe they are talented, but they do something else that annoys you.

For example, Taylor Swift. Yeah, a lot of people might like her music because it’s catchy, but is she really all that? Senior Hannah M. says, “I think she is overrated because I have listened to her when I was little, so I think she’s outdated. She is honestly not the best singer, and her music has absolutely no meaning behind it except for the fact that a lot of dudes dump her.” Hannah isn’t the only person who feels this way about Taylor. Junior Chloe C. says, “I think Taylor is overrated because her music is alright in my opinion, and she hasn’t made big strides in her own industry like the way some of her peers have who have less followers than her. She also released the most fossil fuels into the air because of how often she flew her private jet which is unnecessary.” Taylor might be known for her singing, but she might not be a good human being when it comes to the environment.

Another overrated celebrity that some people aren’t exactly a fan of is Kim Kardashian. Sophomore Cara C. says, “I feel Kim Kardashian is overrated because she gets a ton of money from getting famous by a video and always has some annoying drama going on. She has no particular talent and has a ridiculous amount of plastic surgery that it makes her fake.” Cara isn’t the only one that would agree about this. Senior Brianna P. says, “She’s overrated because she didn’t do anything spectacular to get famous. The only reason she is even known is from a video and her parents. Without either one, she wouldn’t be who she is today.” Kim might have the looks and money, but she hasn’t had a talent for the money she has been given.

If you think I was done, you are wrong. Let’s talk about one more celebrity that some may think is overrated. Junior Starlyn M. says, “I do think Pete Davison is overrated. He has dated all the artists you could think of. Did he fumble all of them? Yes. He is a comedian and that’s all I see him as. All his roles on movies and shows are all unserious and not well played. All summed up Pete Davison is a loser who fumbled Kim.” Starlyn isn’t the only one that would agree Pete isn’t all that. Graduated Alyssa A. says, “I do believe that Pete Davison is overrated. He’s your typical guy from Staten Island, nothing much. The only reason people talk about him is because he manages to date a lot of famous women.” Pete got known for dating famous celebrities and doesn’t really have a talent.

These are just a few examples of overrated celebrities. The list could go on and on forever. There are celebrities that are overrated, and some that are underrated because people pay all their attention to the overrated ones that they don’t see the talent the underrated ones have. They can be overrated for a lot of different reasons, and it all comes down to what your opinion is about that person.

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