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The Rampage

The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

9/11: the attack on New York that is forever remembered


22 years ago. September 11, 2001, a normal day for many people. 9/11 still has an effect on people today like people who lost a loved one in the attack and the discrimination against muslims that still lingers nowadays. 

Before the Attack: A Normal Day?

A Mid-September day. As always, the ‘City That Never Sleeps’ awoke to the clamor of daily life. Bakers slid the first batches of bagels in ovens, the aroma mingling with the city’s distinct scent. Television screens glowing with morning shows lit up countless homes, while radios announced Top 40 hits. Isn’t it intriguing how normal it all seemed? Ask anyone present in downtown Manhattan on that fateful Tuesday morning – the day started as a standard weekday with a clear blue sky. Some people may say it was very busy, but for an average New Yorker it was another day in the Big Apple. Cars honking, sun shining, and a nice breeze.Even with this perfect weather, there was trouble in the air you could smell it. Everyone knew something would happen that day, they just didn’t know what or when. This normal day took a turn when American Airline snoticed Flight 11 was missing. 

The Attack Itself: A Horrifying Reality

At 8:46 AM, American Airlines Flight 11 impacted the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The burning tower was live-broadcast, confusing millions as a terrible accident. But was it really an accident? Four planes were hijacked by terrorists. In total there were 19 hijackers, Five on three of the flights and four on the fourth. Two of which, American Airlines Flight 11 as i mentioned before and United Airlines Flight 175, crashed into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center from both sides. The towers of peace were struck. There were huge explosions on the top floors which caused fires, people were trapped in groups of 5 – 30. People had even resorted to jumping off the skyscraper because they would rather face instant death than incineration. In less than an hour, The North tower came crashing down and along with it a huge cloud of black smoke and debris. Inside the towers, chaos prevailed. Stairways blocked, elevators out of service, and escape routes clouded by smoke and falling debris. People were trapped, praying for rescue that came too late for many. People’s fight for survival was etched dramatically in collective memory as several leaped from windows to escape the inferno. The surprise attacks continued. At 9:37 AM, almost 40 minutes after the second World Trade Center attack, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, resulting in the collapse of it western side. Meanwhile, United Airlines Flight 93 had been hijacked and crashed into an open field because its passengers fought back and crashed it before reaching its intended target which was the United States Capitol Building. The North Tower fell at 10:28 a.m. 

The Aftermath: A Changed World

The death count in the end was 2,996 and that’s only the bodies they found. In the wake of the 9/11 attack on New York City in 2001, the world, especially America, changed drastically. The U.S. engaged in a global “war on terror,” and life as we knew it was altered forever.
Enhanced travel restrictions and heightened security measures were implemented worldwide and remain in place to this day. The incident stressed the importance of international cooperation to combat terrorism, prompting a surge in information sharing among global security agencies.
This catastrophic event reiterated the significance of national resilience in the face of adversity. It united the American people and galvanized the world to stand up against terrorism.

The Lingering Effects: Pain and Resilience

Looking at the present day, nearly 20 years later, the impact of the 9/11 attack is still felt widely. The survivors, the victims’ families, and the responding officers all bear the lifelong brunt of this major catastrophe. The event indeed left an indelible mark on everyone’s minds across the globe.
On the other hand, it has also highlighted the power of human resilience. Despite their collective trauma, New Yorkers have solidified a spirit of unity and strength. Their resilience and tenacity, refusing to be broken by the incident, is an inspiration to all.
The 9/11 attack on New York City in 2001 was a shock to the entire world. It has permanently altered international relations, national security protocols, and the global perception of terrorism.
Yet, this attack also serves as a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the unceasing ability to rise above even the gravest adversities.
Doesn’t it serve as a stark reminder of our ability to recover, rebuild and not let terrorism dictate our lives? Yes, and as we remember those lost on that horrific day, we pay tribute to the enduring strength of humanity.


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