The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

Why I Tossed My Make-up.


Like many young women today, I struggle with comparison. Ever since I was in middle school, I have always been the brown best friend. Everyone also had a crush on my best friend or the whole friend group and not me. I was always the funny girl, but not “Thee” girl. Then in 8th grade year everyone started calling me ugly and calling dehumanizing names that I had to switch schools. So I soon became scared that people at my new school would bully me the same way. So I started following beauty gurus and learning the art of makeup. I asked my mom to buy me all the makeup I needed, and she did. I quickly got the hang of it and never stopped. I started comparing my makeup look to other social media stars and would only feel complete when it looked very similar. I started obsessing over myself and honestly loved it. But my friend convicted me and asked me is this an idol in your life. She told me that sometimes we make things our idol and worship them more than we do our savior.

So I decided to throw away my makeup and not let that define who I am. I started the myself-love journey all over again. I know longer want to be completed by the things of this would that only provide temporary satisfaction. I can’t be anyone else but me. I had all these goals but the only goal I need is to be the best me I can be. I want to be original and unique because nobody can be a better me. I don’t want feel like I have to wear makeup to be complete, and I personally don’t care for other peoples approval any more. I love women’s empowerment, and I will always stand by that but as for me if it is not a special occasion wear I have to wear makeup then I just won’t.

I don’t need to try too look like anyone else because there is someone out their trying to look like me and the cycle continues. I love being the original me. The me who can smile in the morning. The me who can laugh at funny things. The me who can dress casual and not feel ugly. The original me can’t be copied. The original me loves life. We all don’t have to cut down on wearing makeup maybe its something else that makes you feel like your putting on a mask. Whatever it maybe just try to be without it for a day and see what happens. Sometimes we are just afraid of rejection. This all comes down to caring too much about people opinions. I have watched thousands of videos on how to care less. What I figured is it does not matter what they say it’s how you react and what weighs more in your head. Your truth should always weigh more than there lie. You are beautiful, I am beautiful, and we are all created in our own way. This I know i choose to be the best me I can be.

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