The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

Thinking about our Childhood

We Are Cursed by Nostalgia

If you can sing the theme song for Bubble Guppies at the age of 14, you and I are both experiencing the worst part of growing up, Nostalgia.  Nostalgia is a “sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations”. For example, when I think back to my childhood, I remember the sunny beach days building sand castles, strawberry picking, and having all the Ipad time I could possibly dream of. These experiences have influenced the things I enjoy as a teenager and will continue to as an adult, because of all the positive memories I have attached to them. My childhood is a part of who I’ve become today. Getting older brings so much responsibility, high school grades, work, and even payments. When going through a hard time nostalgia can help pleasure the feeling of sadness and loneliness that these duties bring.


Playing with friends at the park was a great way to pass time as a kid. Thinking about these times makes us wish we were at that special place, playing a certain game as a kid. Growing up can be hard, knowing we will never be able to be those little kids again so thinking about our childhood can be very beneficial. The first person I interviewed was Aiden Chick. I asked him ‘How does thinking about your childhood memories make you feel?’ He said, “ It makes me feel happy in a way because looking back at it there were lots of memories I wish I could experience again. Such as going outside everyday after school and playing outside with my friends”. Many agreed, Jaydalis said she gets mixed feelings of sadness and joy.


The next question is asked what their favorite childhood memories were. My friend Kendall said her’s was “Going to Disney and Disney cruises with her family because she got to see all of her favorite characters and explore different places”. Disney is a magical place for children, they have Disney characters greeting children constantly. Disney has a rule for all characters, “they can’t let go of a child hugging them until the child does so first”. For a child this must feel so special and bring a forever long memory. These moments are the ones children will cherish until they are older.


Watching children’s movies or seeing other kids play. Even your 4 year old neighbor growing up, makes many of us feel nostalgic. This nostalgia makes us feel like a child again, and reminds us to keep in touch with and love our younger selves.

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