What Would a 21st Century School Cafeteria Look Like?
September 27, 2016
Teens nowadays have options. We can watch whatever we want, when we want. We can listen to whatever we want, when we want. We can choose to either sit in a classroom or go virtual even. We can study traditional academics or we can opt for the E-Pathways route. Why then are we eating lunches in the cafeteria like it was 1896?
When you pack your own lunch, you can bring whatever you want, and are not restricted as you are at school. Emily Patel, a sophomore who runs cross country for Lake Mary, shared, “I bring it so I can have good food before running.” Her argument is valid; when there’s others around you grossed out and gagging, why would you want to join them then go run? Surrounded in a world of disgusted teens, many would like to avoid this tragedy by bringing their lunch. Sophomore Jenna Gould stated, “I like to bring lunch so I can bring food that I like to eat because I am picky and want to make sure that I will have a lunch I can enjoy.” When you have the ability to create your own lunch, you often enjoy it more no one knows what you like more then you.
So what would this 21st lunchroom look like? For one, options. A salad bar similar to the one the teacher’s enjoy in the break room would be a great option for the health conscious. Some kids would like a baked potato bar? Also, maybe a sub station where you could have someone put together your own personal sandwich. Sophomore Lauren Dostal agrees; “If the cafeteria food had more options, I would definitely eat there!” More options could not only save students money but time as well, considering the fact that it takes a good 10 minutes in the morning to make a good lunch. Our lunch menu now looks the same as it did when our parents went to school; its time to step it up a notch and have our lunchroom evolve at the same time as our technology and, more importantly, our options.