They had a dream…

Susana G., Opinion Editor


Once upon a time in a land not far away , hundreds of pilgrims came to America with a dream, a dream to find a land where they could say what they wanted to say, believe what they wanted to believe in and be who they wanted to be. To their luck they found what they wanted and after years of hard work, the small land where this dream started became the United States of America. The US became a melting pot, and a safe place for people of all color, nationalities, and beliefs.

The definition of the American Dream has changed since the beginning of time and for most Americans it’s the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. Senior, Ben Goodman said that to him the American Dream means “being successful when you start with nothing, becoming a household name.”
To many Americans nowadays the American Dream is not about helping others succeed, and we only care about our own success.
For many immigrants the American Dream means running away from the terror, violence and poverty in their own country and work hard for a better life in the United States. Americans have always been known for welcoming immigrants with open arms, and many believe that the different cultures are an asset for our country. However, throughout the past years Americans have developed a sense of hate for immigrants, claiming that they steal their jobs, bring drugs, and violence to the US. , and fail to realize that many of the immigrants that come to America, especially those with children, are fleeing from the terror and violence present in their country, and stopping them from finding a safe haven is only going to force those children experience violence and crime on a first hand basis. Now yes, it’s true many immigrants (legal immigrants because you must have a working visa or green card to work) do take jobs that American people could do, but they only take them because many Americans aren’t willing to take on jobs such as house cleaning, constructing, landscaping, agriculture, etc, jobs that many white businessmen will never want to take.

As Americans we need to realize that America was built by immigrants, for immigrants. We would never be the strong and diverse country we are if millions of people from all over the world didn’t come hundreds of years ago, and started what we now know as the great United States of America, if we close our arms to the people that need us the most then we are going against all our founding fathers and first settlers fought for, because as senior Jenna Maier said, “the American dream is to put your mind to anything your heart desires enough to pursue. No matter what color, religion, gender, or ethnicity you arr. The American dream is the chance to live and love like anyone else”.