Interview with Mrs. C/ Mrs. Compton


Hi this is Emmy and today I’m interviewing Mrs. C from the student lounge.

Interview questions and answers.

1- What motivated you to become a therapist?

There’s many inspirations that caused me to become a therapist. Being in therapy was one of them. Another one is the household I grew up in, most of my siblings was adopted. I enjoy to help others a lot.

2- How many students stop by the student lounge daily?

Excluding the lunch/break time most of the time one student per period

During lunch/break 30-35 students

3- Tell me about the Rams get real podcast?

Rams gets real got partnered by Ali’s Hope and helped us start it. We make podcast episodes about mental health and go to community events by Ali’s hope.

4- Tell me what was your favorite activity that you made for the student lounge?

Friday lunch movie days and getting coffee for the student lounge.

5- What’s your favorite part about the student lounge?

I enjoy being able to connect with the students and being able to change their lives

6- What do you do during your free time?

When there’s no students around I work on notes, working with the social workers Ms. Lake and Ms. Vasquez.

7- Tell me a bit about the student lounge?

A couple of years ago a suicide happened on campus. Then Mrs. Jordan applied for a grant from The unbreakable foundation to redecorate a room into a place where students can hang out. She won the grant.Then when it came to hire someone who will look after the student lounge the Bernstein family found me to be hired to look after the lounge.


The student lounge is at room 1-111 which is close by to the mens restroom.

If you want to join rams gets real come see Mrs. C in the student lounge. The meetings are every Wednesday in the lounge after school.

Listen to the Rams gets real podcast on spotify