ASL’s Infamous Ms. Clegg


Ms. Clegg teaches ASL and is a mystery. Let’s talk with the infamous Ms. Clegg and see what goes on in her world.  The mystery has now been revealed.

Tell us a little bit about you outside of your classroom.

“I love cats. I’m born and raised in Florida. I love to do yard work and build things. I like to build all kinds of things like wooden Christmas trees.”

How long have you been teaching?

“Ive been teaching for 19 years and have 19 more years to go. When you pick out a carear for you make sure its one you actually enjoy”

What is your philosophy behind teaching?

“Don’t get fired . Also if the kids are laughing at you that means they are paying attention”

Do you like your students this year? why or why not

“no comment…”  ouch Ms. Clegg

Do you enjoy teaching asl? why or why not

”Yes I enjoy teaching asl because I love deaf culture.”

Whats your least favorite part of teaching asl?

”I’m gonna get arthritis”

What inspired you want to teach asl?

“Its better than math.”

We see Ms. Clegg in the classroom but let’s dig a little deaper and see what goes on outside her classroom. What do you do in your free time?

”I don’t have free time, I work two jobs”

If you had the chance to change your job would you, and what would you choose your job to be?

“YES nothing to do with education. My dream job would be to work with animals and rescue them.”

If you could be any animal what would you be?

“I would be a cat”

Do you ever want to lock a kid in a closet

“NO NEVER” but sometimes she mentions how she wants to beat us with sticks… we still love her though.

Now that we know more about Ms Clegg maybe we will see her differently in class. Who would’ve guessed Ms. Clegg built her own wooden Christmas tree now that’s crazy. Maybe for her birthday I’ll get her a little saw so she can cut out some sticks. Now I really have to pay attention in class so she doesn’t whip out some sticks… all jokes aside, we <3 you Ms. Clegg!