New Rules, New Lake Mary?


Ryan McGuire, Executive Editor

Lake Mary High school has always had a enjoyable environment for students, teachers, and other staff members.  It provides many students with great friends and memories, and all the students here would like nothing more than for it to remain the same it always has been.  Unfortunately, change is inevitable; time goes on, and things change every year, whether we realize it or not.  Especially this year, with a new principal and tons of new teachers, our school is bound to change in more ways than one.

Junior Rashelle Toro said, “I like Lake Mary the way it is, but I know change is bound to happen; and it is long overdue, but some of the rumors I have heard about teachers leaving, girls being ridiculed for dress code more than we already are, and not being able to back into our parking spots, have me kind of worried.”  With new rules and new people, there may be a new atmosphere in the school.  However, not all of the new rumors are true; in fact, there are many issues that have been over taken by rumors and each student has their own twisted version of the truth.

On Wednesday August 23, Dr. Reynolds came on the Wram News and presented to the students HER opinion on controversial issues such as dress code and parking.  During this presentation, Dr. Reynolds stated that she was totally okay with shirts where sleeves fall below the shoulders, as long as girls keep it “modest.”  She also said she was okay with leggings, and running shorts/jean shorts as long as they are appropriate length. In regards to parking, Dr. Reynolds explained that backing in, as well as waiting in your car until the bell rings for 1st period, is completely okay as it makes for a safer environment.  Junior Emily Patel said, “coming into Lake Mary as a junior, I have already been here for 2 years.  After 2 years, you get used to things being the way they are.  Based on Dr. Reynolds talk on the Wram News, I feel a lot better about Lake Mary retaining all the things we loved about it last year.”

Overall, Lake Mary is known for its spirit; from our famous student section at football games to the large number of students who dress themselves in Lake Mary gear from head to toe on fridays, the halls of Lake Mary are unique in more ways than one.  Lake Mary High School gives all of its students a special experience that you cannot get at any other school, and despite the changes that have been made this year its obvious that the new rules will keep intact everything we loved about our school.