

Olivia Boni, Staff

Introverts Aren’t Depressed. You Just Talk Too Much. 

I’m really sick of people associating shy and introverted students with depression. We are not depressed. We just appreciate time alone and aren’t as needy as some people. Introverts tend to like quiet and time to themselves more than being out in big crowds. Extraverts are very loud and make friends easily. So, introverts don’t make as many friends, are they lonely, are they depressed? Introverts have a small number of friends but the relationships they do have are stronger. Although introverts may not be the most popular kids around, they have very strong bonds with their friends and that is a good thing to have in life, knowing that there are people you can depend on. If you have a lot of friends but they are shallow what’s the point you can’t really trust them and when push comes to shove, they are not there for you. Nicole Jaramillo says, “I think introverts are happier in the long run because they have stronger relationships and they usually keep the relationships for their whole life because they are so strong.” extraverts may be happier in the moment thinking they are so popular, and everyone loves me but when some little thing changes those people are out of their life for good and honestly, they were not really in it to begin with. Maya Gonzalez said, “introverts are happier if they have friends but if they don’t have any friends then they will be depressed and not happy but usually people have at least one friend and really that’s all you need is one good and true friend.” So being an introvert is not a bad thing it’s just a different personality trait and one that makes you happier in the long run for most.