Ram Pride World Wide

Ram Pride World Wide

There will never be a clear answer as to if high school is better, or if college is better. The best way to find out is by talking to some former Rams, who were successful during their high school career and have progressed to the real world. There are plenty of aspects of high school that never get old, like Homecoming and Prom, while some people can’t wait to stop waking up at the crack of dawn to be somewhere for 7 to 8 hours.

The social aspect of high school is one that many are weary to give up. From experience, former Rampage staff writer Angelina Provetti said,“ I miss how close I was to all of my friends. Now that we’ve all split up, it’s hard not seeing them as much as I used to. I try to rekindle the relationships when I’m back in town, of course.” It’s hard to imagine a life without your high school best friends, but after all, college provides our former Rams with new experiences that can’t be experienced at Lake Mary. “College gives me so much freedom with my schedule. I actually feel like an adult now!” Angelina is free to hang out with her roommates, see her boyfriend, and study at whatever time she pleases.

Even though college grants unimaginable freedom compared to high school, no one could ever replicate Lake Mary High School’s school pride. “Hmmm, what I miss the most about Lake Mary is the spirit of the school, and how all of your teachers truly care about you and love you! College is swag though because I’m only there two days a week for a few hours,” said 2015’s Student Body President, Rachel Geeseman. Going to school for 7 classes every day of the week seems like torture to these new college goers, as their classes last 2 hours (almost like on a block day), and they only have two per day.

No matter the college, no teachers could amount to Lake Mary High School’s “I miss Mr. Crisp the most,” said another former Rampage writer Valeri Reynolds. Even former Rams miss the simple aspects of high school, like their friendships and their teachers. Cherish them while you can, Rams.