Extra, Extra! Get Your Free College Here!

Extra, Extra! Get Your Free College Here!

Lauren Reid, Feature Editor

The Land of the FREE (College)
Free college has been wanted by many for the longest time. Finally, in the city of San Francisco, California, free college is offered starting next fall. San Francisco is the first city in the nation to make community college free. Any student who has resided in the city for more than a year, no matter their income, have access to the benefit. The announcement made by San Fran’s mayor, Ed Lee, follows New York Governor’s announcement made previously last month; free tuition to residents whose families make less than $125,000 a year.
Although New York’s new benefit addition differs from San Francisco. In New York, the benefit (open to any family’s whose income meets the requirements), includes any city college, public university, and community college. In San Francisco, the benefit is open to any income, as long as it’s community college.
So, what does this mean for America? Is it a new trend? Will millions of other cities follow?
“I think it would be nice to have free college, but I also know it’ll come out of our taxes and later on that will be an issue for us,” Sarah Mccullough told me.
SFGate tells citizens that the city of San Fransisco alone will pay $5.4 million a year for students to be able to go to college without paying a dime. So, Sarah is right. Where does all that money come from? Us. We will eventually be paying for it through taxes. So, is it really beneficial? Students will also get $250 a semester in order to pay for books and necessary supplies.
“It’s nice to be able to give kids who can’t afford school, a chance to receive it and further their education,” James Stokes said.
So, is it really free, and is it actually beneficial?