Interview With Mr. Solis


Zainab Mulla, Editor in Chief

         Lake Mary High School’s US History teacher Mr. Solis has been teaching at this school for 3 years now. Many juniors admire Mr. Solis for his positive attitude and funny jokes. Junior Sara Gross, “Mr. Solis is so chill and I love going to his class.” Mr. Solis was also a student at LMHS. He was kind enough to answer a few questions.  

Why did you choose to teach history? 

“When I applied, I just applied for any Social Studies class.” 

If you weren’t a teacher or a coach what would you be? 

“Probably a Hollywood movie star or an NBA star 

When did you decide you wanted to be a teacher? 

“I didn’t really know what I wanted to do when I was in high school. Then in college I majored in political science for freshman year and then I changed my major sophomore year and I decided to be a teacher in the middle of college.” 

How does it feel to go from a student at LMHS to a teacher? 

“Feels like I never left. I do enjoy it though it feels different from being a student because I was a quiet student and now I talk all the time.” 

Would you mind teaching another subject? Which subject? 

“I would teach acting because I’m a movie star. Probably weightlifting because of obvious reasons. Or I would teach AP Lang because I could be a better teacher than Weger.” 

What type of student were you in high school? 

Quiet, studious, played basketball for 4 years. You know I was just the humble athlete.” 

Have you played any other sports besides basketball? 

Football, freshman year 

If you could which other sport would you coach? 

Probably swimming because I took swimming lessons in elementary school and my mom said I was a good swimmer.