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The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

The Independent Student Voice of LMHS.

The Rampage

How Can You Find a Hoco Date?

How Can You Find a Hoco Date?

Angelina Williams, Staff October 5, 2022

Finding a homecoming date can be a painful part of the year, so how can it be less gruesome?  When finding a homecoming date, you first should make sure that you will not be a bad date. To start your...

Good Games to Play When You're Anxious

Good Games to Play When You’re Anxious

Chloe Cursi, Editor in Chief May 24, 2022

A lot of people have different ways to cope with anxiety. Some options include writing, singing, reading books, art, etc. One of my personal favorite ways to calm down is playing video games. There are...

Who Is Playing Wordle?

Who Is Playing Wordle?

Luke Prieto, Staff April 18, 2022

Quiz games are traditionally the realm of old ladies and nerds. Think Yahtzee, bingo and Sudoku. Wordle may be the game to buck this trend. Why is Wordle so addictive?  What is Wordle? We roamed the halls...

What Did You Do Over Spring Break?

What Did You Do Over Spring Break?

Natalie Zuzunaga April 18, 2022

Spring break. By definition it's "a week's vacation for students in the spring". As we all know, we recently just came back from Spring Break a few weeks ago. That means that we all have stories about...

Why is TikTok so Addictive?

Why is TikTok so Addictive?

April 18, 2022

Crack, heroin, crystal meth: all highly addictive. Lake Mary students are using too.  Yes, we're addicted to Tik-Tok. It's not a joke though that any addiction can have long term negative consequences...

Costa Rican Remedy for Bad Days.

Costa Rican Remedy for Bad Days.

Camilla Morera, Staff April 18, 2022

I've lived in Costa Rica for all my life and as you can know hispanic food is delicious. Today I am gonna share a recipe that my abuela used to make every time I had a bad day or I wasn't feeling good. My...

Fashion Trends in Lake Mary HS

Fashion Trends in Lake Mary HS

Camilla Morera, Staff March 9, 2022  

Why people Like Killing Animals

Why people Like Killing Animals

Caleb Vuerich, Staff March 9, 2022

No, I'm not crazy.  I'm hungry. Hunting isn't just for fun like most people think it is. Even though there is a lot of fun in it, the main reason for hunting is for the meat and population control for...

5 good guitar songs to learn

5 good guitar songs to learn

Riley Craig, Staff March 9, 2022

The guitar is such a calming and soothing instrument. But it just takes time to learn and play it with ease, so why not if you're not too busy. Then just learn these five-song for guitar, they are either...

iPhones: Nobody Loves You When You Are Green

iPhones: Nobody Loves You When You Are Green

Caleb Vuerich, Staff March 9, 2022

Google just reported Apple as a school bully. Yes, Google is complaining that Apple is bullying their teen Android users because Android texts show up as an icky green on iMessage. It's a problem any Android...

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